Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Insanity=Pure Awesomeness

Well, almost. Usually. I can't always agree with the subject of my post, but I try to make it a point to. 

Insanity is usually fun. Have you ever tried to walk into wal-mart and act loony? Yeah, those looks on peoples faces are priceless, especially when the mothers start telling their kids to stop staring. But that's a story for another time. What I'm going to blog about is, at Elizabeth's request (since she was one of the winners), about insanity. And yes, you already guessed that.

I've always believed that it's good to have a certain amount of insanity in your life to keep things leveled out. So I'm going to outline the basic types of insanity that relates to humor.

Brother/12 year old humor: My older bro and I are pretty tight. Especially when we were kids. We constantly tested and refined the art of "ding-dong ditching". For example, we sometimes saved up enough dog doo to spread around the drivers side door of any given car, spread so far around the car door that the person would have to step in the doo to get into the car.

Random humor: The following is an excerpt of the adventures of the Myers boys:

Wesley (after knocking on strangers door): umm hello?
Stranger: uh hi
Wesley: *looks oddly at person* hi....
Wary stranger: yes?
Wes: what do you mean yes?
Even warier stranger: you knocked on my door?
Wes: umm, no, you knocked on my door.
Confused stranger: no, this is my door, you knocked on my door. What do you want?
Wes: no, I swear you knocked on my door. Why did you knock if you didn't need anything?
Peeved stranger: NO! YOU knocked on MY door!! DON'T knock on MY door if you don't need anything!
Wes: Haha, I'm afraid the joke's on you ma'am. Because, after all, this is my door.
Ticked stranger: *slams door in face*
Wes: *knock knock*
Now pretty-much-a-hater stranger: STOP KNOCKING ON MY DOOR!
Wes: no, this would be my...*door slams*...
Quentin talking to Wes one minute later, and across the street: Wow! New record! A total of 1 minute, and 36 seconds! Good job!

And finally, humor that leads to insanity: I know a man. He loves puns. Too much. To the extent of over-using-the-same-pun-to-the-point-of-total-insanity. Examples (with the name changed to protect the innocent):

Family member: Hey Fenwick, can you pass the grapes?
Fenwick: would that be just...grape?!?!?! Get it?!?!? It sounds JUST like the word "great"! HAHA! HAHA! ha! haaaaaaaaa....

Family member: Hey Fenwick, can you put some sloppy joe meat on that bun?
Fenwick: Ok, just don't get too sloppy with it! *starts grinning real big and looking at the faces of family members for reactions*

Cheers until next time


  1. Hehe!! I LOVE this!! tis hilarious!! hehe x]

    your blog is really awesome Wes!! =D

  2. lol thanks! btw tell all ur friends about it :P
